Thursday, March 4, 2010

So I sort of know someone in the Royal Shakespeare Company.

My beautiful orientation tour guide was in the play I saw tonight. CHECK IT! Dunsinane was the play - it's a quasi-sequel too/work inspired by MacBeth; it's amazing.

My mailbox also featured NOT ONLY a card from my amazing NY Eta sisters *COMMA* BUT ALSO, (I don't think I need to repeat the negation phrase for emphasis, capslock will do) a box from my even more amazing mom. It featured Cherry Lemon Sundrop, 2 bags of Starburst Jellybeans (aka CRACK!), Rolos, Hersey Kisses with Almonds, ALMOND CLUSTERS (aka heroine), a Scrabble card game, Cheerios, TWIZZLERS (any Schrader/friend of the Schraders know a bag of Twizzlers, once opened, lasts for 10 minutes maximum), 100 Calorie packs, and of course my bank statement! (I love you & miss you mom! Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!)

Looks like my work filled weekend is going to be calorically satisfied as well. :))

xoxo & cheers,

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