I promise I have a life.
I promise I have thoughts that extend beyond my color-coded planner and what books I have to have read by Wednesday.
I promise I'm not Paris Hilton, nor will I ever be.
I promise that I was really excited about a nice, long, self-satisfying blog post today . . .
But then I watched the first episode of The Tudors . . .
And then I went to Tesco with friends to get birthday cake, to surprise our friend on her birthday with cake, singing and flowers.
And then we went to grab some dinner.
And then I had to listen to "First Dance" by Justin Bieber again in order to enlighten my roommate to how it is, in fact, not about dancing.
And then I had to finish the reading for Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday and suchs.
And then I had to go through some books & do some research.
And then I had to Skype my mom. ♥
And then I had to answer my emails.
Because I still need to write my Shakespeare posting.
Because I still need to plan/outline (rough planning and outlining, mind you) an essay.
Because I still need to finish the novel I've been reading for pleasure this semester (I also need to keep dreaming that that will happen).
Because I still need to respond to a few more emails and such.
Because I still have to check my email constantly (NC Gov. School where you at?!)
Because I still have 4 weeks left.
Because I still need to re-organize my self.
Because I still have to watch an episode (or two) of The Tudors.
But I will share the story related to the title of this list someday, eventually, maybe.
. . . when I get some down time . . .
Here's to volcanic ash clouds NOT disrupting my plans for the upcoming weekend.
xoxo & cheers,